Secret power of the universe is to consume!

Dark Energy or hidden energy in our universe is slowly being turned appropriation. Space researchers have claimed, Dark Energy or covert power will give us clear signals that they gradually got this universe. PTI reported the news.

What is this mysterious secret power or Dark Energy? Physicists idea, dark matter is made ​​in response to the power of the Dark Energy or sneaker. The Dark myatarai universe holds together. Dark Matter Dark matter is surround us everywhere, and we feel it does not exist. The light emission from the Dark Matter, reflection or light is not made​​. 84 percent of the world occupied by the Dark Matter. This creates the cosmic power of the universe.

University of Portsmouth, UK researchers have claimed, can be seen by the recent astronomical data analysis, Dark Energy dark matter in response to being slow growing, causing expansion of the cosmic structure.

The researchers said David oyandasa, Dark Energy and Dark Matter be lost if you started to rise, but we are tiny, empty and boring to position a universe where something goes out of existence. '

Dark Matter Regarding oyandasa researchers said, that the structure of the universe needs to grow to form Dark Matter. Studies have shown that the vast galaxy of this dark matter is made ​​of the structure of the universe, the Dark myatarai were evaporating and reduces cast speed.


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